Friday, October 7, 2011

Pumpkins everywhere

I love cute food so much! I made rice crispy pumpkins for a cub scout treat yesterday and they turned out so cute!
And yummy! They have a tootsie roll stem and frosting vines. The kids (and adults) all loved them. I tried for about an hour to get Boyd to try them and I finally tricked him and covered a small piece with the green frosting and fed it to him. Of course he liked it, but still wasn't convinced to eat a whole treat, silly boy!
This week Lucy was supposed to decorate a paper pumpkin for school and she came up with a princess- cat- bride- pumpkin with ribbon hair, a lace collar, a crown and a veil. She did such a good job by herself, I just helped hot glue the things on so they would stick. I think she's going to be my crafting buddy one of these days, she is just so creative and artistic. Lucy told me at school her teacher loved it so much that she ran it over next door to show the other teachers how cute!


  1. I love both of those projects so much. You two are a crafting pair made in heaven.

  2. Definitely know where she gets her creative genes from :) Both are super cute! Great idea with the pumpkins!

  3. You and your kids are amazing and fantastic.
