Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Best kids ever!

That is a picture of Me, Boyd and our cats
Boyd had such a happy birthday yesterday and I think that happiness spread over to today. After school he said he was going to make a special surprise for me. He was so excited to give me a letter, what a sweetie! One hour later Boyd gave me some fruit snacks for my treat because I was being so good :) I'm so proud of Boyd for how well he is writing and drawing now, not too long ago he refused to do either.

All of the kids lately have been coloring and drawing pretty much non-stop. For a while now Daisy always draws "potties" every page (little weirdo), but just the other day she graduated to something new. She's so darling, she finally drew people!
Daisy's first people drawing of Daddy, Jenna, and Mommy
I love how she did hair for the girls and shoes. At this same age, Lucy used to draw Mickey Mouse for every picture. I wonder if Daisy will be an artist like her sister.
We are definitely going to need more reams of paper and art supplies for Christmas. We go through so much paper and markers. I've got files full of art mostly from Lucy and it's so hard to know what to keep.


  1. Boyd. Boyd, boyd, boyd. He kills me.

  2. At one point, Calysta had her art work all over our family room--I mean on every wall. Amy was visiting and wondered about putting it in a book. She bought Calysta a big scrapbook and they spent a great afternoon taking down all the artwork and adding it to the book. She will take the book out from time to time and look at what she did. It's also a way for her to see her own progress.
