Saturday, October 22, 2011

Boyd's Party

Boyd's party was a success! We had some kids over and played some knight games.
"Squire, Squire, Knight" (aka Duck Duck Goose). The Zombie bride is Boyd's girlfriend from school.
The kids had to ride the horsey to joust the dragon pinata yelling "Charge!" It was awesome!
Boyd got to be the leader of the dragon slayers
This one of Daisy cracks me up! She looks so fierce in that mask.
This one of Lucy is great, too. She's one determined warrior princess. Charge! (I stole Jenna's pictures for this part- thanks for being there to photograph! Ken was taking video with our camera- the kids were so funny for this thing!)
The fiery dragon is about to be killed and eaten... gross, huh?
Farewell worthy foe! Lucy thought it was so funny to have the head!

Thank you everyone who helped and came to the party! It was just right, and I needlessly worried, as usual. Boyd has grown up so much, I am just in awe of this kid everyday how far he has come. I'm so happy we could give Boyd a great first friend party!


  1. Cami, what an amazing birthday party!! Definitely memorable for those kids! I love the dragon charging activity--haha! What great pictures of your kids doing it too--Lucy looks like she's strait out of a Narnia movie :) Did you make the pinata?? And did you make the cake?? How did you do that (especially odd shapes like the tail??). Your kids are so lucky to have such a good mom--! :)

  2. PS love your curly hair in the first pic! :)

  3. I bought the pinata, but I did make the cake! It took so long, just cutting up the pieces from 2 round cakes and sticking it together with a ton of frosting! I was so nervous for it, but I'm so glad it turned out cute!
