Monday, December 28, 2009

New home and Christmas

Its been a crazy couple of weeks. Between packing and moving, being homeless for a week then moving in, get unpacked, shopping, getting ready for Christmas, cleaning and watching kids... I think we are finally slowing down. I'm so glad its all over and we can just enjoy the new "home-house."

Boyd got some new video games. He was so excited to get the new Super Mario Wii. Lucy's big present was her "pink chicken." I think her face shows the excitement. Daisy was just happy to be in the middle of everything. She got a new walker-riding toy- she is so close to walking.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Boyd was excited to see the Star Tours ride. Even in line they have cool stuff like "R Foo We 2" and "C 3 Row." He was pretty nervous the first ride, but got tough and wanted to go on it again and loved it.
Lucy just loved seeing the princesses Snow White and "Sleeping Duty." They were pretty cool, and even had good voices like the real girls. Daisy was too busy stuffing her face with food to care about anything else. She'd be screaming if she didn't have a steady supply.

More Disneyland

We've got some classic tea cup ride photos. Boyd was having a fun time, but didn't want his picture taken on the ride. Lucy was really funny on the rides. She's the queen of silly faces- one looks just like the Grinch face.
The kids were terrified of all the Disney characters walking around, especially if any of them came up close, Lucy and Daisy would start screaming. Lucy even ran and hid under the table when "Chicken Dale" (Chip 'n' Dale) came to interact with us. They are pretty frightening, except for the princesses! Lucy just went totally nuts to see all her girls. She ran to them and hugged them and couldn't stop smiling! It was adorable! She was so excited when Snow White came to our breakfast. Boyd was pretty neutral on the princesses, but he was proud of decorating his crown so he actually smiled for us.


We were just in Disneyland over the weekend. It was nice of Ken's company to send us all out. We even got to take Joni with us to help with our naughty kids. We were pretty exhausted before we even started. Getting up around 4am to get ready to catch a plane will do that. Daisy zonked out pretty quick as we started walking around. The whole place was so decked out and Christmas-y, it was very cool! The kids loved all the rides and it was fun to have Daisy on a few as well.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Big Baby Dais

Look at this cute little standing baby! She was so excited for a bath, she was trying to get in herself. She's growing up so fast!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Funny Lu

This is Lucy's new Christmas dress. I've got the same one for Daisy, she looks adorable, but didn't get a picture of her in it yet. I'm hoping we can get a family picture with all of us one of these days.
This is Daisy supposed to be napping. She was being so funny talking and laughing to herself in the crib, she got away with getting back up to play this afternoon.
Lucy drew our family portrait here. Lucy is at the top left (with a happy face and pretty pony hair), then Boyd with a sad face, small Daisy, Mommy at the bottom left, and Daddy with mad eyebrows. At the time she was drawing it, Boyd and Daisy were crying and Dad had just gone to work (I think that's the reason for the mad eyebrows). She started singing "Happy Family," but sang "Boyd is a sad family"! She's a crack up, but make sure to not laugh at her unless she wants you to.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Car ride

Daisy is so funny to try to peek around the corner in her seat.

I forgot these ones on the last post. This was the car ride over to the park. Funny little kids. Boyd actually wanted to wear his new hat just in the car so it wouldn't get "lost or dirty on it" at the park. He's got a pretty sweet face here, he was happy to have his buddy Owie sit next to him.

One more park day

Lucy's funny faces crack me up!

Boyd loves watching the ducks, especially the white "Donald" ducks. He climbed over all the rocks around the whole pond and he said he was sorry to the ducks for not bringing them bread.

Lucky we got another nice day for the park! It was just some nice, relaxing good weather. Hooray! My friend Lindy made my kids these cute hats, I just love them!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall park day

Boyd was in the mood for a picture, which is rare, so I took it! He's a sweetie!
Daisy's funny little dragon face. She knows she's funny!
Can you see a cute little tooth sticking up?
I think Jenna got the worst of the "leaf playing."
They sure loved playing in the leaves. It was just a gorgeous warm day!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Its Mario!

Boyd immediately wanted to play Mario on the Wii, of course.
We got Boyd's costume in the mail today. He really wanted to be Pinocchio this year, but they had no good costumes and I didn't want to hassle to try and make one either. We saw a Luigi one at Walmart a while ago and Boyd got pretty excited about that, but he said Boyd is Mario! So I'm glad I found a Mario online and we got it on time. Boyd was really happy for his costume today and wore it most of the day. Grandma took him to the mall playground with it on and he told other kids his name was Mario and they called him that. Pretty funny kid. Tomorrow Boyd has a costume party at school and he is so excited to wear his Mario again!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Killer boots, man!

I found these cute boots at Target today and I needed them! I wish they came in my size, but good thing I can live vicariously through Lucy. Isn't she adorable in her "sockpants" and new boots? I totally think so!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Facebook is being lame

Daisy thinks Lucy is a crack up. Me too!
Lucy literally tackled me to the floor so I would take her picture.
Daisy was doing her fake laugh at me, because I got the camera out.
This is pretty much what Boyd does at home- play Wii

I was trying to put some photos on facebook and it said an error occurred 3 times in a row. It also wouldn't let me update my status or write most of my comments on other people's pages. It has been weird for a few days and I'm wondering what is wrong with it or my connection. Oh well... here are some cute pictures of the kids. I bought Daisy a cute outfit at Target and needed her to model it, of course.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fun Day

Daisy's just a sweet, happy little girl. She loves sitting in the grass and watching the big kids play. She will just light up for the camera, too.

Boyd had his first field trip today with his school to Pumpkin Land. He was going to ride the bus with everyone at school and parents could meet there if we wanted. I was pretty nervous for him getting on a big bus. His teachers said he was a little nervous, but went on anyway, and then he loved it! I met them there on one of the trails around the pumpkin patch. They were so cute following on their circle rope in a line (genius invention, by the way). The kids got to see a bunch of animals and go on some obstacle course playgrounds. It was pretty fun, and Boyd was an angel.

We have been taking our kids to Pumpkin Land for several years now (Ken, me, Jenna and the kids), the last 2 years for Boyd being a disaster! He was so out of control naughty with complete breakdowns. We were just going crazy trying to take this kid anywhere fun. He's just done a complete 180 since last October, I'm just thrilled that Boyd has learned so well to manage his emotions. Today, he was only able to play on the last playground area for about 1 minute before getting on the bus. I did a little internal panic at the idea of getting this kid off the playground after such a short time, but he did exactly as he was told without any tiny fuss, got in line and waited patiently for the other kids. He said, "I want to ride the bus with friends!" I was so proud!

Boyd and Owen were playing on the horse swing together really nice. Boyd can really push the swing for Owen pretty high, he's such a strong kid. And, of course he's a sweetie too. He kept asking, "Ya ok, Owie? Hold on tight and be careful!" and said, "Look see, Owie's happy and Boydie's nice to push!"