Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Family

I just scanned the pages from my scrapbook I made a long time ago. The little one in pink is me (somewhere between age 1 and 2).
I have almost no pictures of me when I was little. I guess that just happens being the 6th kid. My Dad Floris Henry Copier, mom Muriel, siblings Chad, Jed, Kristy, Kelly, Cody and Cami.
I was born Dec 15, 1981 in Salt Lake City, UT and I lived in Highland with my family.
This is my mom Muriel Kay Barrus Copier- I think it is a high school picture. Pretty lady, huh? I think so. On Dec 13, 1989 she passed away from cancer. I was just about to turn 7 years old (the age my son is now).
My dad married Victoria and I gained some new family members Brady Bunch style. Heidi and Jim were her adult kids already married, and Tiffany and Tianna lived with us. Chad went on his mission, so we had 7 of us kids for a while until they all grew up and moved on. 
Some years later that marriage didn't work out and they split. For about 2 years I lived with Heidi and her family (sorry no picture). I was about 14 at the time.
 Picture from 1998
My dad married Cynthia - she had 5 children Rachel, Michael, Clinton, Tyler and Rebecca. For my last 2 years of high school I lived with them (minus Rachel, she was in college). They split up in 2000 and unfortunately I lost most contact.
In 2001, my dad married JoAnne. I never lived with them because I was at BYU at the time.
The next year I was married to my sweetheart and now we have our cute little family (you know the rest).

So, there is my complicated family in a nutshell. I guess I'm hoping that one day my great-great-great grandchildren will wonder who I was and there's some little interesting history.


  1. Love it! I got tired of trying to explain how I was related to everyone, so I created a bubble chart, and when I was done I think I needed therapy.

    I'm loving Mom's leggings in 1991. What a colorful crew!

  2. Hi Cami.....Tried to post this to you on Facebook, but don't think it worked. My name is Robert Starkie and I knew your mother back in the old days in Pullman/Moscow. We dated for awhile and she was always trying to get me to convert. I wanted to get ahold of her and tell her I was baptized last year and am about to go to the temple for the first time. I was so bummed out to find she had passed on!! I have some letters and postcards from that time that she sent me, and if you would be interested in having them I would like for you to have them. Just teenage stuff, but they might mean something to you. They do to me as I've had them almost 50 years now! I enjoy reading your blog, I kind of feel like a long gone uncle! Anyway......let me know.
