Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog Challenge

Day 1: A picture of yourself and ten facts
I probably won't end up doing all of them, but I'll do some for fun.

1. The picture is from almost 2 years ago taken by Jenna, its my facebook pic and probably the best picture of me ever.
2. I have a fake front tooth I got hit in the face when I was 7, knocked out my new adult tooth and broke my nose. I didn't get my tooth fixed until I was 16 (super lame) and then I got another one about 4 years ago.
3. I was valedictorian of my high school.
4. I have 20 siblings including all step family
5. I was on my high school's drill team for 2 years. We had super dorky outfits, but we won some competitions and were really pretty good.
6. My first job was working at Old Navy.
7. I didn't know I had any artistic ability until I was 18. On my last semester of high school I took a beginning art class and sculpted a horse out of clay- I was transferred to advanced ceramics the same week. I did some jobs painting murals with Jenna for a couple of years and that was really fun.
8. I am so painfully shy and I hate it! It takes a lot of self pep talk to get me to do little things like call someone on the phone (even people I know) or meet new people, having to start a conversation,etc. It terrifies me to call in a take-out order, ask someone to do something, and the worst thing EVER is to straighten out an issue/ misunderstanding.
9. I love ribbons and bows (especially tiny bows) and other tiny things like little dishes, doll accessories, and pretty much anything miniature (my sister gave me a small craft iron and I giggled about it for a long time) makes me happy.
10. My not so secret hero is Martha Stewart. I so wish I could cook, sew, be super organized, and just have a ton of cute matching craft tools and things. 


  1. That picture is beautiful! I am so happy your taking the "challenge." I am excited to see your posts. I feel like I know you better already! Thanks for sharing! I am planning on giving Zumba a shot tonight, just don't hate me if I hate it :)
    I also want to see some of your art work!

  2. That is such a pretty picture of you! This 30 day challenge is going to be fun. I am excited to get to know more about you! We have a lot in common with each other. This is going to be fun, I'm excited!

  3. I think #8 is partially a result of our childhood - I'm the same way. I'd rather just deal with something internally than confront someone about something. Ditto on phone calls. I've gotten better, but I still talk myself out of a lot of calls.

    You are a beautiful person!

  4. I loved your post, Cami. I have wished I knew you better, and now maybe I'll have the chance. You're a beautiful woman inside and out. I'm proud to have you in our family.

  5. ...and by the way, I'm going to follow your self-disclosure posts, and try to do them also.

  6. I've been catching up on your blog - so happy for Boyd and ALL of you! I miss seeing you at church and the neighborhood.
