Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's New

I have been such a slacker about taking pictures of the kids or updating what we're up to. Probably because I've been a busy little bee reading like crazy and sewing and doing some house spring cleaning, too. I finished one of the girls' quilts yesterday- I love it! I even like hand sewing the edges, even though it takes so long, I feel kind of pioneer-y and maybe just proud to make something so cute and useful for my kids.
On Friday I got Lucy all registered for Kindergarten! I can't believe how big she is now! She is excited and a little worried about it. I went to get her shots the other day, poor thing, she was brave going into it, but she's got a shrill howl that pierces your brain (I'm sure everyone heard it throughout the building). Those darn shots gave her a fever and she was so sick the next day.  Lucy had a good 3 hour nap on the couch and then she was back to her old self.
 I was afraid she would miss the gorgeous weather yesterday, but we got in a little time outside in the late afternoon. I love seeing the new buds coming up everywhere (the kids thought I said "bugs" and were confused, ha haa).

The other day I had another meeting with Boyd's teachers  (IEP- Individual Education Plan). So he's for sure going to 1st grade in the fall over at Spring Lake. He's doing so well in all areas- his reading is awesome, he's improved a ton on writing, behavior is good, plays better with friends, his speech is almost up to speed (he will still get speech therapy every week in school). His teacher showed examples of his work. He wrote a few sentences like "I love my Ken Dad!" and "Do you like apples?"  The one thing his teacher said he need improvement on is coloring- Boyd says "No thank you" when he is asked to color a picture with crayons. She thinks he doesn't like the "feel" of crayons and gets frustrated that he can't make the lines smooth enough. So we'll work on that some more at home.
I found some silly pictures on the camera that Ken took with the kids. What a funny kid!


  1. Cami, I LOVE The quilt you made!! It is so cute! Reminds me of Strawberry Shortcake :) That's awesome about Boyd! We have a few kids with the same challenges he's faced in our class, and it is always a celebration to see the progress. So glad you guys have found a program that is working :) Love the blog background too--matches the bedspread! :)

  2. Cute Cami!!!!!! Those quilts are amazing. I am impressed. Poor Lucy! Shots are the worst! I love this picture of Boyd. He's so cute!
