Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter fun

Lucy was so excited to find Homer snuggling her pink kitty, so I let her take the picture. She told him, "Oh Homer, you are such a sweet potato!"

We colored some eggs tonight and the kids loved it!
Daisy just kept saying "Its Pink! No, blue!" She learned that from Sleeping Beauty, even though none of her eggs were actually pink or blue, it was still very exciting!
White crayons really are useful one time of year, and they are "magic" for writing your name and hearts on the eggs. Very cool, indeed.
We also made some sugar cookies tonight because I just bought some cute Easter cookie cutters. Daisy mostly finger painted with frosting instead of eating the cookie, but that's ok, whatever keeps her happy!

Daisy has been thinking about going potty recently. She goes peepee in her little pink potty most of the day and is very excited. Let's hope for my sake that she will be an easy potty- trainer (I think I deserve this one, right?), but we'll just have to see how it goes (fingers crossed). One of Daisy's funny words lately is "I boo it" (I do it) for just about everything because she is a big girl.

Earlier today it was so nice out! We loved playing in the yard, Boyd and Lucy like to play "Simon Says" and "Red Light Green Light" with me. Boyd made a chart with sidewalk chalk keeping track of who won the games with the right amount of rows and columns. We also had fun digging in the dirt a little bit, talking about worms and things. Boyd named 2 worms "Bernie and Lemmie." He told me "Mom, you dug up the worms' kitchen" when I pulled up a weed. Lucy said "I think Bernie and Lemmie are married and will name the baby worm Rapunzel." I asked her if the baby worm will have long magic hair and she said "worms don't have any hair, silly." Oh, right, I knew that one.

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