Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy (late) Father's day!

First, I will start with a Happy Father's Day to the father of my children. I love this picture of my very cool, guitar hero man! Ken is such a good dad to our crazy kids. I am very often surprised (in a good way, of course) about Ken's patience and devotion to our children. I sometimes get to the end of my sanity and Ken will step in and turn those stressful moments around for me. Even if its just taking a turn with a screaming or sick kid, sometimes our kids just need their dad to make things better. Our kids are very lucky to have that kind of dad, and I'm also lucky and very grateful for his help and level of involvement in our kids' lives.

Next, of course, is a Happy Father's Day to my own dad. He's not a blog reader type and probably won't ever read this, but I'm very grateful to my dad for raising me. He's always been a hard working guy, and can fix just about everything. One of the cool things about him is how patient he was with us kids "helping" with building, repairs and misc. projects. He was always willing to help us figure out how to do things. Although I inherited my dad's shyness and some funny quirks, hopefully I also picked up on some of that patience and learned from his good examples of working hard and showing love for his kids and grand kids.

Happy late Father's Day everyone!

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