Tuesday, June 16, 2009

crazy summer school fun

I love the old classic fun activities like play-doh and Mr. Potato Head. They never get old. I remember doing the very same funny creations over 20 years ago. We made snakes and snowmen and monsters and cool rocks (that was Boyd and Owen's favorite today) out of play-doh. Its nice to have an activity for 2 year olds to 9 year olds that is still cool.
Lucy, of course, made tiny things with hers. My favorite was her tiny "snow mommy" and "snow Sucy." Basically little pieces of dough stacked together.
The kids also loved the "Darth Tater" potato head pieces. Boyd thought Mia was pretty hilarious as Darth. And Daisy had fun watching all the kids play and laughing out loud. Even she knows how weird these kids are.
Notice anything odd about Owen's Storm Trooper?
Lucy kept saying, "How bout picture of me?" Funny little girl.


  1. So cute! Gwen loves playdough too. I make it for her, so I know it's safe if she eats some.

    I still love playdough too.

  2. it's not easy to please all of those goobers! Good thinking! too bad you couldn't save snow mommy and snow sucy- they could have kept snow kenny company ;)

  3. Oh my goodness, that storm trooper is hilarious! Only a boy would think of that.

  4. There's something about that Storm Trooper that reminds me of...me!!
