Friday, November 11, 2011

Turkeys everywhere!

We had some fun art time last night with turkeys. Boyd was having trouble drawing one for his homework and Lucy wanted to help him, sweet girl. She first drew one with 4 legs and I couldn't help laugh. But here is her next one she thought about all herself.
She did a great job especially for not having a picture to follow. She also wrote "Thanksgiving party."
Daisy wanted in on this turkey drawing and look how cute! I think she did great for a 2 year old!

Then Boyd finally made one he liked (he tore up about 8 pages before we got to this one). He loves to draw fat animals the best.
I showed the kids the place mat that Lucy made last year in preschool and the kids were laughing themselves silly.
This is one of my favorite things Lucy made, it's pretty silly. I think we need to make some new ones for everyone this year!


  1. Three wonderful artists. And all extremely cute and sweet.

  2. I agree with Bob. You are such a sweet and clever mom, too.
