Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful today

My dad has a print of this painting hanging up in his house for as long as I can remember. He treasures it and often tells us how much it means to him. He says the man reminds him of his grandfather (I think he died sometime in the 70's) and what a wonderful example he was of gratitude. The old man seems to have a simple life, but you can see the sincerity of his prayer of thanks. On Thanksgiving day when I was a kid my dad would always say the prayer and it was so long! I remember thinking can he just be done already! Then before anyone could eat we had to go around the table to say what we were thankful for. He always talks about his painting and his Opa (grandfather). That part is ingrained in my head now and I go through in my mind what I am thankful for with my dad's voice saying  "You've got to say a good one, don't just say 'everything' or dumb things like 'toys'."

This morning I am thankful for the progress that Boyd has made. He woke up happy and got himself dressed, ate his breakfast, and brushed his teeth without getting upset about anything. That is such a big deal to me because I used to think maybe he would never be able to do simple things like getting ready for the day without both of us in tears.
I am thankful that Lucy woke up happy and completely entertained her little sister, played with her and was so excited to be with her and help her with everything. She is such a great sister and I love to see her playing the "mother hen" role, it reminds me of my big sister.
I am thankful for my Daisy this morning she climbed up on my lap and just sat and snuggled with me with her blankey and every once in a while strokes my hair or arm. She's got such a unique personality with a lot of sweetness and a streak of spunk that makes me laugh.

What are you thankful for today?