Thursday, August 11, 2011


About blogging and facebook.

I like to follow people's blogs and check statuses on fb and sometimes I feel like a weird stalker especially with the people I don't know very well in person (which are most of them because I'm so incredibly shy). I love the honest posts and ones that make me think and relate to my own life and show what kind of people they are and the image they display. Most everyone only seem to say what is positive and fun and cool in their lives, others are boring, others I think "Aaah, too much information!"

One problem is thinking about who is reading what I am writing here. So many times I've gone to write a status update or blog and then delete it thinking "nobody cares what I have to say" or "Some of these friends won't get it or take this the wrong way." Which, unfortunately I have put my foot in my mouth a few times and feel like a jerk still. It kind of sucks sometimes to not be able to connect to the people I want, not being able to share my opinions or feelings, not having the tone of a sentence conveyed over the screen (that's probably a big one), worrying about the amount of positivity, negativity, sincerity, honesty, boring content, repetition, etc.

One person's blog I read recently talked about the pressure she feels from our culture, particularly the Mormon moms who seem to do everything well from cooking, organizing, gardening, crafting, sewing, cleaning, homeschooling, canning, teaching, reading, and are always stylish and gorgeous, patient and loving with a bunch of obedient, happy and perfectly dressed children. Phew! What a list... and there's even more that I can't think of at the moment, but it is incredible and overwhelming. Crazy, I know I feel that pressure sometimes, too, and it's ridiculous really.

It is hard to know how much feelings to put into posts. I love my husband and kids, but I hate to sound too mushy or insincere when I say so.

Alright, I think I'll just end now...


  1. For me personally it is being true to myself. Blogging is my outlet, it is the only thing somedays that keeps me sane. I have some family who don't like how candid I can be and others who have told me they wish more people would just say how they feel. As long as you are happy and content at the end of each post that is all that matters.... The good, the bad and the ugly.

  2. Cami - I feel as I have come to know you (and your kids) a teensy bit via this blog. FB and blog your heart out cousin - I love reading your stuff! :o)

  3. From my perspective (which is very, VERY long) I have seen that many of those whom I admired most and thought were doing so many things right and were maybe a little flashy and "perfect" didn't necessarily have outcomes that they expected.

    Shy, quiet, maybe a little gaffe-prone, real life-sized people are my heroes. They're the ones who end up with wisdom, laughter and a life full of people who love them.

  4. Blog away, I love reading your stuff. Also, those who know and love you will know you are not trying to hurt or offend. And you would be surprised at how much emotion is conveyed through the screen. Say what you feel, what you think. That is what we read you for!

  5. Somebody was doing some deep thinking late at night ;) I love your blog, even when I've seen you hours before it's fun to hear what's really going on in your head.

  6. I'm with what Jennie said above--I love reading your blog and how you express both the good and not so good that happen in life, or how crazy being a mom of 3 can be. I love how much you update your blog with just the everyday stuff--it doesn't have to be a big event for you to put anything, you generously give us a peak into everyday life in your home, and it's such a joy to be part of (in some, small, stalkerish way of reading this ;) Some of my favorite posts were your book reviews--Sheesh! Talk about giving me something to live up to! I was so impressed with the time you found to read and your thoughts on it. Very cool. You rock, and your blog rocks, so continue forward! :)
