Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Yes or No?

I have been cutting Daisy's bangs since she was a tiny baby. Usually it looks like a blind monkey cut them for me because she is so wiggly and her hair is fine and straight so every snip is obvious. Last year, I grew out Lucy's bangs and I think she looks better that way. How about Daisy? Bangs or no bangs?


  1. If you decide to let them grow to the same length as the rest of her hair, you can comb them to the side and hold them with a barrette--probably would take no more than a year to do.

    If she's going to wear bangs, then you'll have to continue cutting them. The length looks to me like the max because they're about in her eyes.

    I have always worn bangs, and HATE them in my eyes.

  2. ...the good news is that she's so darling, likely no one will notice one way or the other.

  3. I vote no bangs. They are too much up keep and I like that you can see her eyes more. But just trust the fact that no matter what you do, she'll still be cute as ever!

  4. Either way I think is cute! Janice is right bangs are a lot of upkeep, but nothing is cuter than the a little face with cute bangs! Sorry I'm not much help!! :)

  5. hmmmm. No bangs... nice and easy for summer :)

  6. Give the blind monkey the scissors! What's the worst that could happen?
