Thursday, February 17, 2011


1. The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is Sometimes I watch Glee, even though I sort of hate it how stupid and trashy it is, I keep turning it on.
2. An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is my BYU shorts that I stole from P.E. class over 11 years ago. They have bleach, paint, and other random stains, but I just can't spend money on new junk shorts.
3. My grocery store impulse buy is: gum at the checkout- especially the pink ones Lucy picks out and sometimes just little things for the kids.
4. Something I do to pass time. Reading a lot, playing dumb games on my phone, look at blogs, facebook
5. One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is ice cream
6. A little indulgence that I have is watching the Biggest Loser while eating candy or ice cream :)
7. The junk drawer/area in my house The kitchen cabinet and drawer with art supplies/ misc stuff and the toy closet are the hardest places to keep organized.
NOW go ahead and blog these questions. I am excited to read your answers.


  1. 1 - I watch the Food Network. That's got to be even more geeky than Glee (whatever that is!).

    2 - I have a faded, torn tee shirt from Turks and Caicos Islands that wouldn't even qualify as a paint rag, let alone a paint shirt. But, I can't throw it away and I want to wear it all the time. It's sooooo comfortable.

    3 - Nuts. I love mixed nuts.

    4 - Reading, watching the Food Network, working up in my office, and playing (not games) on my computer.

    5 - Let's see. How do I put this. The one thing I'll never give up is, uh, intimacy.

    6 - Scratching before I go to sleep.

    7 - My Office. Sorry, Karen. I try to keep it clean, but it ends up being my junk area.

  2. 1 - The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is...
    Hmm... I don't really get embarrassed about that sort of thing. I used to watch MTV sometimes, even though its pretty stupid. Now I don't have cable.

    2 - An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is...
    Also not applicable. I'll throw anything away. But I do have a pair of track pants that I bought in 1997 or 98. They're still in good shape for some reason... oh, right... I never exercise.

    3 - My grocery store impulse buy is... Jimmy Dean Sausage and Zatarain's Dirty Rice mix. But the last time Cami let me have that was 5 years ago.

    4 - Something I do to pass time: Read blogs. Nerdy ones. Like Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy and Schneier on Security.

    5 - One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is... Coke.

    6 - A little indulgence that I have is... Ice Cream Sandwiches.

    7 - The junk drawer/area in my house... I think it would be faster to list the non-junk drawer/areas... *OUCH!* Cami just punched me.

  3. 1. The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is

    The Bachelor (and all of the other incarnations) I just can't help it! I know the premise is terrible, but it's so FUN to watch. It's like a painful train wreck of things to gleefully bash in my head.

    2. An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is

    My tshirt from the Police Concert. A souvenir of the most fun I've ever had.

    3. My grocery store impulse buy is:

    beef jerky. Isn't that gross? Sometimes, my inner carnivore just really wants to chaw on a piece of jerky.

    4. Something I do to pass time.

    Read. and then read some more.

    5. One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is

    NACHOS. I don't want to live on a planet without melted cheese and salsa.

    6. A little indulgence that I have is mascara and lipgloss. and perfume. Mitch hates it, but I love it and sneak it in whenever I can.

    7. The junk drawer/area in my house-
    is not in the house. It's in the car. The back seat is always a hellhole of discarded kid crap and I tend to ignore it until it gets ridiculous. Conversely- a HATE clutter in the house and don't really allow it.
