Monday, October 25, 2010

My little Lucy goose

Lucy is about the biggest drama queen I have ever known! She is definitely sweet, thoughtful, helpful, talented, smart and of course, darling as can be. But, there are some times I think she might be possessed; I'm just waiting for her head to spin around during one of her tantrums. Her fits are mostly about her clothes and hair, sometimes it is about her drawings not turning out just right. Poor girl has sensitive dry rashy skin, so I think some of her clothing issues have to do with just being uncomfortable. Her hair is wavy and frizzy like mine, but if I don't style it the girl looks kind of homeless. I have no idea what to do about her not perfect creations, she tears them up too fast and furious.
Lucy has started the Waterford Institute online preschool computer program. Boyd had it before and he did so great with it, now I can already see how much Lucy is learning from it. She does especially well with writing letters- she knows most of them and and she always asks how to spell words. Her drawings are so incredible and detailed lately. She just figures out how to draw new things on her own without being showed how, and she is very creative. She loves to make combination creatures like spider-kitties and pig-ants (all with bows on their heads) and tells stories about them. Lucy is constantly singing and dancing around the house. She also loves to play with her siblings and she takes pride in making Daisy laugh. She has great imaginative play games with Boyd (which really has helped him a lot!). Lucy has a funny sense of humor and does some of the best physical comedy with pulling faces and weird dance moves. I sure love this big girl! She keeps me on my toes all the time, frustrates me to death, gives me the best compliments and loves, and makes me laugh all the time.

One funny story: The other day I was taking her to school and she said," Mom you forgot to change your clothes." I said, "no I didn't, I'm wearing these ones." She squinted up her face and said, "well I guess its okay if you go out like that."


  1. Yes, Ma'am, Cami...that's our Lucy! Exactly as you described and exactly as she should be. She's an absolute miracle.

  2. I remember being told by my daughter when she was little that my clothes didnt match - and did I wear them to work like that? Girls are silly!
