Friday, October 22, 2010

Little things

Its those little things that make a silly old mom choke up. My boy is the master of catching me off guard like that. I'm so happy with all the little things that Boyd can do and all the things he can say. I spent a couple of years crying for different reasons: just about every day was so frustrating and I was constantly sad and worried that my boy wasn't going to be okay, wondering why he couldn't just be happy, or tell me anything or do normal kid things.

This morning when I got up I had to clean up Daisy after a nasty diaper mess, so I wasn't quite on top of the time to get Boyd ready for school. I ended up with just 15 minutes to get Boyd dressed and waiting for the bus. I did a little panic worrying that I wouldn't be able to do it- we have NEVER been able to rush Boyd successfully. I got his clothes out and he told me, "I don't like that new shirt, I already have a striped shirt." (I thought that was it, oh no he knows I'm trying to hurry, he's gonna flip) I told him but this one is green- your favorite color- and you needed more long sleeved shirts since it is getting colder. To my surprise he just said oh okay and put it on. He got all dressed, made himself chocolate milk, brushed his teeth, then asked if he could have "sharp hair" today and a haircut on Saturday. Sure buddy! Boyd got his jacket and backpack and waited for the bus with plenty of time to spare. He was just happy and pleasant and excited for the day.
What a different kid he has become in the last year and a half! I had no idea that Boyd could even do such a normal thing like get ready for school without one tantrum. I used to have to pry him out of bed, force clothes on him, literally sit on him to brush his teeth, I wasn't allowed to touch his hair. I pleaded, begged, bribed and still had deal with screaming and flailing between each small step. Don't get me started on haircuts- those were some of the worst experiences of my life- even the sight of clippers got Boyd screaming, slapping his own face and bashing his head into things. Now he just asks for one like its fun- I'm completely blown away!

This boy has a way of getting to me. Even in his hardest times, we saw glimpses of that sweet amazing kid. I'm so proud of Boyd growing up and overcoming a huge amount of hurdles. I don't even remember the last time I had to use the "A" word to explain Boyd's behavior.


  1. I love that boy so much... he's wonderful, and you're right, he's growing and progressing in the most amazing way. I wish I could give him a big smooch right now.

  2. Cami, I love Boyd's "Sharp Hair!" (What a cute name for it) I'm happy your crazy morning ended up being a really good one.

  3. Tonight while we were watching your kids, Boyd asked me for a Fresca. I asked him if he wanted a spankin' and a kiss to go with his Fresca. He said, "I'll give you a kiss, but not on the face. Your face has a mustache on it. I will give you a kiss on the cheek." Which he did. He didn't even mention the spankin'.

    He's such a sweet boy.
