Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Daiser Beam

I can't forget my little Daisy. I think she deserves a post all to herself once in a while, too. She is turning into such a character. Daisy is a big girl and can (or think she can) do everything herself with no help or she will scream. If she is happy or sad or wants something, she will scream. You get the idea- she's a screamer. She has learned to get into things and she's a climber and a strategist. She will push chairs over to climb on things and waits for mom to be occupied.
Then she does things like this regularly. Its chocolate milk mix all over the counter and the floor. I did not leave it out- she got into the pantry herself (or she had an accomplice, notice a guilty looking big sister licking her fingers).

Daisy is a little bit of a clown like her big sister. She loves to pull funny faces, do silly dances, and sing (her favorite song is the Daisy song). She just started doing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" (she calls it "knee-toes") and "Itsy Bitsy Spider," Daisy is starting to talk a whole bunch- not all of it coherent, but she tries. She has been saying new sentences lately like "Daddy home now," or "Got pee-pee bum" (that one cracks me up) and constantly "Wha happy?" (what happened).
The other day it got unusually quiet in the afternoon and I found Daisy asleep on the floor. Awww... isn't she a cutie? Another funny story about nap time... I was putting her down in bed and she said, "want toot bobbies!" I knew "bobbies" is blankets, but I had no idea what she wanted for a few minutes. Then I got it- TWO bobbies and she said "YEAH toot!" and she cuddled up, sucked her thumb and was out. Silly girl!
There's a whole lot more to this girl than a pretty head of hair. She still gets that compliment more than anything else since the day she was born. Mostly Daisy is a big weirdo, but I love her to pieces! She makes up for all her naughtiness when she snuggles her mom, sucks her thumb, and says "love you!"


  1. aren't you glad you bought that other blankie now? Just so you could hear her say Toot Bobbies... heh heh.

  2. Cami, I don't know about everybody else, but I think she has been a character since the day she was born--remember you have been posting about her, showing her pictures, and telling about her antics from the beginning.

    Yep, she's a character, all right, and a darling one at that!
