Friday, July 2, 2010

Cute bows

I just decided my girls need some patriotic bows for the holiday, so I made some. Good thing I had a few hair clips and ribbon on hand just for the occasion. I have a little tiny ribbon fetish (ok- my dream is to own a ribbon store or just my own craft room full of ribbons and bows and I will giggle all day because of the cuteness). I took about 30 pictures of Daisy trying to get a good shot, but it was the best I could do with a little spazzy girl- I might have given her some blue kool-aid :) But, you get the idea. Anybody else wanna make cute bows with me? I'm always up for crafting.


  1. oh man... those are insanely cute. She'd better wear them tomorrow :)

  2. I'm in! I love, love making bows...I beginning to think that you and I are alot alike. I have always wanted to have a store too. Those bows are super cute and fun. I'm serious lets get together and make some :)

  3. Holy cow, those are adorable Cami!! I have been trying to figure out how to make bows, and am pretty much awed by your greatness right now! Mind posting a how-to guide on here??

  4. Way cute bows!! We should get together and have a bow making day! With 3 girls I can never have enough bows! Good job on them they are super cute!
