Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pretty naughty

Lucy has been a little hard on me this week. I don't know if she just needs some attention or just being a typical 2 year old. I have to keep both eyes on her at all times... which I can't do, or else! There was the nail polish in the carpet incident to start off the week: she poured the entire bottle of my new bright pink polish all over herself and the carpet. It soaked all the way through the carpet. We spent hours with a carpet cleaner and straight acetone to try and get it up with no such luck.

The next naughty thing was a jar of vaseline along with diaper rash cream rubbed into the carpet. While I was cleaning that, Lucy climbed up on the counter and got the peanut butter out and open and covered herself and the counter in that. I put her in the bath and had to feed the baby right then. So while in the bath, she decided to "go potty" in there, which she hasn't done since babyhood. She was screaming until I was able to get her all cleaned up. Daisy was upset about not being finished eating, and Boyd was also shouting, "Stop crying everybody!" 3 kids yelling at once is not my favorite.

Lucy has been on and off potty training for a while. This is an off week for her. She also decided she doesn't want to wear diapers or go in the potty. Every so often I have to check to see if she has one on, and most of the time is no. So, I have had to clean up some pee pee spots in the carpet. I know not to yell at her for it, but we've had some talks and candy bribery and nothing is sinking in. So, yesterday Lucy took off her diaper and pooped all over her room! Ewwwww! In the bath she goes, so I can clean up her pig sty room. Our carpet cleaner sure got some good use this week.

Anyway, after that was all clean and Lucy was clean and dressed, I put on a show she asked for and went to feed the baby. She asked for some apple juice, and I told her as soon as I finish the baby I will get her some. So, she decided to get it herself, spilled the whole bottle of juice on herself, the counters, and kitchen floor. So she's back in the bath, and I'm cleaning up stupid apple juice! If you've ever had to clean up juice, you know how much it sucks! Takes so much to get all the sticky off... and the baby's crying again and Boyd's yelling "Be Quiet!"

Last night, Lucy wanted to get in the bath again because Boyd was having one, of course. This one was a team effort to be the naughtiest in the bath, with their yelling and splashing and fighting and laughing and wet floor- pretty typical actually. But, this time they decided to pour the entire new bottle of baby soap and shampoo into their bath. Aaarrrrrgggghhh!

Those were just a couple of highlights... there were plenty more this week. I should also say there were many nice and sweet things too. This afternoon Lucy climbed up on my lap and we watched Cinderella together and she was stroking my arm and gave me a few kisses and loves. I asked her if she was my good girl, and she thought for a second and said, "No, I pretty naughty."


  1. Oh man. I think you need a mental health break. I'll take the kids tomorrow afternoon for a bit if you want. I'll have to handcuff Loo though :)

  2. Wow, that's quite a naughty week! Cami, I think you should take Jenna's offer. Jenna, I think you should take the kids to the park. : )

  3. Oh my goodness! I remember those days - still have one every once in a while. Wyatt covered himself in Desitin once - the sticky, fishy smelling kind that you can't wash off. I got a picture of it. And he poured a whole jug of orange juice all over the floor once, too, while I was feeding Andy. I HATE spilled juice and soda. I promise it does get better. Good memories after the trauma has worn off.

  4. Wow. That was a jaw dropping read. You poor mom! you've got your hands full over there with that rebel of yours! LOL. That is pretty crazy having the whole house a toilet, endless baths, and juice everywhere! But maybe you're right about the attention thing. It's hard for younger kids to not be the center of attention. I know it was tough for me when Max came around. Mom couldn't hold me anymore, she was always tired, and max kept biting everyone. LOL.

    Best of Luck!


  5. She sounds like such a charachter!!! Cami, does she take after you?!?!?! I'm glad you can snuggle with her and love her and enjoy her anyway:) Actually, she sounds like a real fun kid. It's just way hard with 3 little ones. I once heard a mother give a lecture.....she had 10 kids.....she said wake up in the morning not praying that messes and such won't happen... but rather ask for a sense of humor when it does happen :) because it WILL happen. Enjoy their toddler years. It will be gone so fast and you will miss it terribly.

  6. I wasn't going to say it :) but I have to.......Heidi was my little Lucy. She could get into things faster than I could turn around. Once, I had the house packed up in boxes to move and was running her bath water....stepped away to pick up Jimmy from his crib... and she emptied ALL my spice cans into her bath water and climbed in with her clothes on. I think I was away from her for maybe 1 minute. There are MANY more stories about her but I won't take over your blog :):):) And she and I both survived!!!
