Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another Daisy post

I know most of you already saw this super cute picture on Jenna's blog, but you can look at it again because its so ridiculously cute. Baby Daisy was blessed last Sunday. She was just an angel for the whole day. I think she loves getting full attention all to herself. Everyone passed her around and talked and cuddled and cooed to her for hours and hours. It was so nice to have her daddy give her a really nice, sweet blessing and she got to feel all the love of her family and friends who came to see this sweet baby girl. Daisy is such a great blessing to us. I didn't know I could love another kid like I love the other two, but she just fits in our family like it was meant to be. I think she promised to be a good baby for her mother's sanity if Heavenly Father let her come to us despite our "permanent" birth control attempts. This good little baby slept 9 hours straight last night. Woohoo! A funny thing Daisy does is cry if either Ken or I holler at the kids- she sticks her bottom lip out an inch and lets us know she doesn't tolerate yelling.

The other kids also had a pretty good day too. Lucy made it most of the way through Sacrament meeting until a fruit snack incident, but after she had a great time playing with cousins. Boyd hasn't EVER been in such a good mood on a Sunday. Its usually his worst day because of the disruption of the normal schedule and crowds of people really bother him. He even had an extra family event after church and he was an angel through all of it. I'm so proud of him and all his recent progress. Its been quite a while since he had a huge nuclear meltdown tantrum, and even his small fits are fewer than ever.


  1. That picture is awesome. What an incredible smile and that hair is beautiful. My babies, are like our dad, without hair until they're older!

  2. What a doll! Such personality for one so small. I love your blog!!!
