Friday, May 22, 2009


Our pool is now open! Hooray for summer. Too bad its all cloudy this weekend. In a break in the clouds yesterday, we decided to go for it. The kids were so excited to go "swibbin'." Even little Daisy was a good girl for the pool. I had her feet in the water and she loved that, but not so much when I tried to sit her in the water- she gave me a pouty lip. Ken was trying to get the kids to jump in the water, but they sort of did with holding hands. By the end of the summer I think they'll be swimming alone again. Probably not Daisy, but I think she'll be sitting up in the water on the stairs. Doesn't she look super cute in her little suit and tiny crocs (which are too big)?

Speaking of suits... when Boyd was little he called them "go suits" for some reason. Yesterday Lucy said "go suits" too on her own, but she wouldn't have known that Boyd said that 2 years ago. How can that be genetic? I have weird kids... that definitely is not genetic, unless we are talking about their dad, right?

1 comment:

  1. that swibbin suit kills me. Too cute. Can't wait to tag along to the pool.
