Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Funny kids

The other night Boyd and Lucy decided they didn't want to sleep in real, comfortable beds. All on their own they emptied their frog toy box and make beds out of it and fell asleep that way. Boyd fell asleep in the frog the night before, too. Of course Lucy was jealous and made do with the lid of the frog. I think Boyd looks pretty funny sleeping upright. He can sleep anywhere and still stays asleep when we try to move him. Lucy usually wakes up when we move her, but it was a good thing she was only 3 feet from her bed. It doesn't look very comfortable in there, but the kids thought it was cool apparently.


  1. sleeping in the frog! what will they think of next? That can't be comfy but it's doggone cute.

  2. Bwhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhaaaa

  3. Kids are such adventurers........even at bedtime :) Way cute! Cute kids!!!!! I really find it hard to believe that you're not only a mommy already but with THREE little darlings. Where does the time go????????????
