Sunday, January 8, 2012

This is weird, it is quiet in here

Last night Ken's parents took all 3 for a sleepover. They were so excited to go! yesterday Boyd and Lucy tried to pack for themselves- mostly their bags full of toys, so I had them re-pack several times before they got all the right clothes and things. Daisy had to help pack her stuff, too. It was so nice to go out on a date with Ken last night! It did end up being a really long date because we missed our movie before dinner, so ended up going to a late movie and getting home just before 2am! I got to sleep in and wander around the quiet house thinking how weird it feels, especially compared to yesterday's bouncing off the walls day.

On Friday Boyd came home from school so excited to tell us he got "Student of the Month!" He was so proud of himself, and told us that he worked so hard at school and he did a great job! I'm so happy that Boyd's teacher realizes what a great kid he is and how far he's come. Boyd just loves her and is happy going to school now.
We went to Red Robin because Boyd got a kid's meal ticket from his school. He wanted to carry his ticket and give it to our waitress and order his own food. He got a corn dog meal and ate the whole thing which was weird- not very long ago he would cry, spit and choke when we would try to get him to take a tiny bite of a hotdog. He's one amazing kid and we are so proud!

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