Thursday, January 12, 2012

I love it! And hate it a little bit

So I've been getting on Family Search and it is amazing! I've loved seeing how much family history is done on my family- it seriously amazes me every time I look at the dates and places and names I just get so excited! It's awesome! On my dad's side, my grandpa has worked on genealogy his whole adult life until recently his health has gone downhill. Many of his family lines go back to the 1600's now, it completely blows my mind to think about each name my grandpa found and was able to piece together. What a great example he has been to our family, and what a huge impact he has made.
On my mother's side, I have a lot of early church members, they did their own temple work and some ancestors in the Endowment House- before any temples were even built.  How cool is that? That is why I love Family Search.

So, here's why I kind of hate it: You can only search for dead people and it was kind of a pain to connect my family and Ken's family from our kids' through their grandparents. I understand privacy and all, but why can't they still be there with name and birthday? That information is on other places on the internet, why can't it be on this site, too, instead of having to enter in each person's information related to me who is alive.
The other issue is that any idiot can enter in information about my ancestors, AND THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY WRONG! Like simple math- um this guy can't be born before his children, or his wife can't really be 120 years older, or his mother is also his granddaughter. How can anyone with a brain really be allowed to put this down as a permanent history? Aaaaaaannnndddd, I CAN"T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Can you tell that it bothers me just a little bit? Last night I was just fuming when I found stupid things like that, I would so much rather have no information then wrong information, seriously!

Also, while I am in awe and extreme gratitude for all my family history, I'm also so intimidated by it. For just a little ol' gal like me wanting to get started on genealogy, it doesn't seem even possible that I could do anything to help. Oh yes, let me just google to see who was my ancestor was 500 years ago... uh, right! But, seriously.... remember how I was excited about 1573? Um, yeah, I totally have an ancestor born in 1155 on my mom's side- 857 years ago!!! Holy smokes! I told Ken "I have an ancestor born in 1155!" He said, "Wow, yeah me too..." Haaa haaa, we all have an ancestor born in 1155 somewhere, but not everyone knows who it is. Yes, I'm married to a smart-A. Anyway, I think I better find a class or something to figure out what do I do now? Besides hunt down the jerk who put down wrong family history. :)


  1. Cami--EXACTLY!!! I feel the exact same way about the new family search website. I think you summed it up nicely by saying any idiot can enter in info!! Someone in Bermuda put my parents names in wrong, and someone else went and did temple work for my great aunt--while she was still living!!! What?! I completely agree with you, I get frustrated with it too!

    I was in a class once and they said if you see your ancestor's work has been done, but the info is totally wrong, feel free to do the work again so that the right info gets put into the records of the church. Your ancestors will just feel extra loved :) And I think will appreciate having the right info.

    The Family History Center offers some really great beginning classes! You can do them online too from home, which is nice.

    Fun to see another friend getting into this :) Just wait until Who Do You Think YOu Are comes on again in Feb--you'll feel twice as motivated and inspired to do your own :)

  2. OH--and don't underestimate the power of google :) I've found many an ancient ancestor just by "googling" their name :) Especially the really old names--like that 1155 one you have--more people have done research on those names since they have about a kazillion descendants. I've found quite a few on Wikipedia too, especially if they are from England. Really fun to read up on them :)

  3. Cami - Are you using Family Search or New Family Search?

  4. New Family Search

    Beth I am so excited for the new show!
    Wow, you weren't kidding about England's records. Amazing! I'm very lucky to have a ton of English ancestors- even royalty!
    I've watched some of the help videos on there and they've helped quite a bit, but I still feel a bit lost. I am having fun following lines as far as they go, but it might take forever!
