Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Res

We went to the Spanish Fork Reservoir yesterday and had a fun time. The kids loved playing in the dirt mostly and ventured out in the cold water a bit, too.
I love Daisy's suit so much! Its about the last year for a 2 piece, but I love her little chubby tummy sticking out. Lucy is always so quick to pose for a picture. She is growing up too fast!
These baby kittens are the sweetest things ever! They are so cuddly with everyone and good to hold, even for the kids.

While we were on our trip, Jenna got this awesome picture of Daisy... its one of my favorites ever.

1 comment:

  1. Cami--I had no idea about the "Res"--looks just like a beach! Bet that water was freezing. We tried swimming in our apartment pool and could only take 5 minutes on a warm day--just too cold at night to warm that water up! Your kids are the cutest! LOVE that picture of Daisy at the end! Haha, she's so funny, I love it! :)
