Thursday, July 7, 2011

What a week!

This has been a busy, crazy week! Yesterday, we had my uncle John's funeral (he was my dad's brother). Funerals are so emotionally draining for me. I did pretty well for most of it not completely losing it, but there were just some really tender moments that got me. Mostly just seeing the faces of Aunt Sheri and the kids, my Oma and Opa, my Dad, and siblings was just heartbreaking. For most of the talks, the speakers tried to keep it light by talking about the fun/ crazy things about Uncle John and there was a lot that I didn't know. My brother had a picture of my siblings taken, I don't know how to copy just the picture from facebook onto here, but there it is anyway.

Last night, I went to Thanksgiving Point Gardens with my fun book club. I hadn't been there before (except for the Children's Garden) and I was blown away at how huge and gorgeous it is. I've got a lot of pictures of it, so sorry if its overload.
I have more, but you get the idea... awesome, huh? The waterfalls were amazing, even though they are man-made.

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