Sunday, July 24, 2011

We have an announcement...

We just adopted twins! 2 baby boy kittens!

When we got home from our vacation we had to take Homer to the vet for an abscess that developed from a neighborhood cat fight earlier. Poor baby had an IV to get put under while they cleaned out his wound. In the office lobby there were 2 kittens in a cage looking for a home. Our kids and mostly Ken were dying to take them home. They are so adorable and sweet!
This black one is the kids' favorite. He is pretty good to let them hold him.
This one looks like a Siamese cat, a little bigger than the other. He gives cute hugs by leaning over the top of your shoulder and resting his head on you.
I had the hardest time getting a good picture of them, they are so wiggly and active.
Ken finally decided on names for them: Sifl and Olly (like the sock puppets from a tv show from the 90's). We are going to have a full house with 4 cats now! Homer and Bella aren't too excited about them yet, but I'm sure they'll be friends soon.


  1. Hahaha!! You totally got me with reading "we have an announcment" --then my eyes quickly jumping to "twins" when the page appeared!! :) Congrats on the new kittens! They are cute!! :)

  2. How fun! Chloe wants a kitten SO bad..I'll have to bring her over to love yours :)
