Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still figuring it out

So I don't really know why this page won't let me add photos right now. I've been trying to for days, because mostly people want to see pictures on blogs. Every time I push the "add image" button, the timer thing just goes and goes and never gets there to the right page. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong- I don't know. I'm not computer savvy at all, I always have Ken take care of anything computery when it doesn't do what its supposed to do. Usually its something that any dumb person can figure out- so, yes, I just called myself less than dumb, but its often true. I have been blaming it on the slow internet connection. Ken's in the process of replacing all the cables in our house, so hopefully that will take care of it whenever he finishes that project.

Well, anyway... on to a new subject- funny kids. My 2 year old, Lucy says the weirdest things. One of the new funny things she says when I nurse the baby is, "Baby eat the boobie now." The other night my nephew Owen told her, "well usually milk comes out." 4 year old Boyd can usually care less about these things, but when I say I'm feeding the baby, he calls it "Baby bites the tummy." It is quite entertaining those kids' take on breastfeeding.

Some other favorite sayings:

Lucy- "sock pants"= tights. "Poopy sound"= passing gas and "frog sounds"= burps.

Boyd- "Stuck butt one"= A Mariokart game. When messing up on a video game he says, "It hurts my bum!"

1 comment:

  1. Because of Lucy, Gwen and I call her tights "sock pants" now too. I love it.
