Friday, March 20, 2009


Finally I'm starting a blog- all the cool kids have one, right? So, obviously "Kenami" is a mix of our names, but it was actually started by Mia when she was about 2. She couldn't say Ken and Cami for the life of her- it always came out Kenami. We thought that was so cute, so we adopted the name for our little family. I mean big family now... its still weird that we have 3 kids! When did that happen?


  1. Yeah! I'm excited to be part of your blog!! Wahoo! Can't wait to see all the posts!

  2. I think it happened just a little over a month ago :) I love your big family and I'm glad you've decided to be a blogger.

  3. Hey Cami! It's great you're getting started on a blog! I'm not sure if you have the link to ours, so i'll repost it, but you will find that will be a totally awesome way to journal keep. When you are tired and just want to relax, unload your thoughts and events of the day into a blog post. Trust me, its addicting. You can do a ton of crazy stuff with add-ons and the like, but for now, get some posts goin!

    Zack :D

  4. I am so excited to delve into the mind of Cami! Kids are the coolest, aren't they? I'm excited to follow your blog. You can check mine out, too, it's more about the weird workings of my mind than about family - I need to start another family blog.
