Thursday, March 26, 2009


Ken and I have been watching some early episodes of the Simpsons lately. I have forgotten how funny that show used to be. Ken said that we have a Simpson family now- a boy and 2 girls. One of my favorite lines from Homer is, "Oh I have 3 kids and no money, I wish I had no kids and 3 money." Hits close to home- lol! In one of the episodes the other night, Homer was putting the kids to bed. He cheered up Bart about a kid at school, went to Lisa and had a nice lovey moment, then went to give the binky back to stop a crying Maggie. He then told Marge, "we better just go to bed, I'm on the biggest roll of my life."

Sometimes I feel just like that when we have a good day at home with happy kids, and we have some sweet moments together. I feel especially good when Boyd has a happy day- he's always had the hardest time with life in general. We have so many frustrating times and fits (they are BIG!), and we have always had to work the hardest to get a smile or laugh out of him since he was little. If Boyd only knew his secret weapon- his incredibly handsome, sweet dimpley smile that works every time to melt our hearts. Boyd can just about bring us to tears of joy when he's happy. So, when I'm especially patient and on top of my game as a parent, I feel satisfied to say I'm on the biggest roll of my life!

Then there are other days... 3 screaming kids at once is enough to send a parent into crazy land!

Some funny kid moments:

The other day I bought a kitchen timer for Boyd to try it out for working on transitioning between activities better, especially getting off the Wii. When the timer first rang, Boyd said, "the cookies are done!" So he didn't quite get the point of it at first, but that was pretty cute.

I bought Lucy some pullups for potty training. When I showed her she said, "Ah pink diapes- I'm so happy! Mom love Sucy! (Lucy)"

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHHH. I love Sucy too! And you're right, Boyd will control the world with that smile if he learns how to use it.
