Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So Long...

So long, farewell, al vida zein, goodbye! To my 20's that is. They have been good to me and I certainly will miss them. This is a big year for me, the big 3-0 and Ken and I will be coming up on our 10th anniversary! How weird is that?

I told Boyd that I am turning 30 tomorrow and he said "Then you will be a tiny old!" What does that mean? "Well, Gramma and Papa are medium old and (great-) Grandma and Grandpa Hansen are Super old!" What a funny kid!


  1. Reminds me of the time Taylor (Amy's son) told Nana that Grammy compared to Jesus- like he didnt know anyone that old -so she must be as old as him. :o) Kids are funny funny people!

  2. WELCOME to the 30's Cami! They aren't as bad as I thought they would be! I hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  3. Happy Be-lated birthday! I hope it was a very happy one!
