Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh Christmas tree!

Lucy decorating the tree. It was my turn to do the lights this year- hate that part!
Daisy just wanted to play with the ornaments, not put them on the tree.
Boyd got to put on the angel.
All done! Except it was the kittens' turn to play in the tree after bed time, of course they "helped."
I made these snowmen cupcakes for my cub scouts. Last year I made them with the tiny marshmallows, that was way cuter. But, still who doesn't love a cute cupcake?


  1. wow...lucy is VERY excited about the tree :) Those cupcakes are way cute.

  2. So fun decorating together as a family! You are really nice to take turns putting lights on the tree. I think I declared early in the marriage that it was the man's job (haha!). Actually, he agreed to put the lights on the tree if I didn't make him help with decorating it. I was good with that arrangement :) Cute cupcakes!!

  3. Great photos of the fam. We love seeing them on your blog. Keep it up. Karen says, "These cupcakes are darling."

  4. Yep, they're darling! Since I don't have any kids anymore--but I do have one 8-year old granddaughter who visits regularly and often--I bought an artificial tree (something we never did when my own kids were little), put the lights on it, decorated it with things my children made me when they were little and some things my grandchildren have given me, and I put that up on a little table every year. Also, since I don't have children anymore, I have an entire closet upstairs solely dedicated to Christmas stuff. When the season is over, I pick up the tree and deposit it into the corner of that closet to wait for next year. I wonder if this makes me a Scrooge?
