Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My drawing BOY!

Usually Lucy is my drawing star, but just recently Boyd has started drawing super cute pictures. Even a month ago, he could barely draw a smiley face and never wanted to even try, but now he can do people with bodies and his favorite thing- cats. I think Lucy was a catalyst in his sudden interest, however. She loves to draw all day everyday and make pictures for everyone she knows and I think Boyd wanted in.
Boyd drew a really funny "No Moms" sign for his room door (don't you love the hair?). I asked Boyd last night if moms aren't allowed in his room, how could I read him a story before bed. He said, "A magical ghost will do it!" What a little weirdo!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see he's remembering to include elbows now. What a sweet boy.
