Friday, November 5, 2010

Big girl bed

We got a bed from Ken's grandparents a couple months ago and thought Daisy won't be big enough for that for a long time. The past week she asked to sleep in it and so we let her. She has gone to sleep no problem all week, but she has fallen out in the night twice. She just insisted on being big like everything else.
Yesterday Daisy had a rough day. In the morning she fell off the kitchen chair and bit through her lip- it was bleeding everywhere and she was screaming like a banshee! She also has this infected finger that started a few days ago and just got way worse even after neosporin and bandaids, so I took her into the doctor. I was also behind on getting her immunizations, so she got a bunch of shots, too! She got a fever last night and on top of all that, she is getting another giant molar!
One funny story at the doctor he said "I'm going to listen to your heart," and Daisy put up her hands and said "No no noooo TOUCHY!" The doctor just laughed at her and listened anyway.


  1. You look awful cute in that bed, Dazer. So, the thing on her finger, what was it?

  2. With a soft blanket and a tasty thumb of course she can get to sleep in a big bed.

  3. When Calysta started sleeping in the "big girl bed" in our house when she slept over at Nana's and Poppy's house, we bought a rail at Wal-Mart and she never fell out. It was a good idea.

  4. So her finger thing is called impetigo- a reoccurring skin infection caused by the bacteria staphylcoccus aureous. Doc gave her a topical cream and an antibiotic for it.

  5. Amy had impetigo on her face a lot. Doc said it was strep and she was her own carrier. She had a big dose of antibiotic and knocked it out.
