Monday, August 3, 2009

Lucy's birthday

My big girl is now 3 years old! Does this mean she's out of the terrible twos? I don't know, we'll have to see. She's been a real big sweetheart today so far and that makes me happy! Her new cooking and dishes toys are a big hit around here. Lucy and Boyd have been playing nicely together since they woke up! They have been making each other pretend meals and pouring water in the cups. I let them take some dishes in the bath tub also, and they loved making "soap soup." (Try saying that 5 times fast.) They want to eat real food on the dishes too, which is a little annoying, but at least they are eating and they are just so darn cute.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy is out of the Terrible Twos, but she will still be terrible. That's just who she is. She is a certifiable stinker!!

    And a sweetheart, too.

    We love her and the rest of her family.
