Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Half a year

Baby Daisy is already 6 months old! I can't even believe it. She's such a little sweetheart, but she's found her screamy voice recently and likes to use it in the night now. I hope that little naughty phase passes up soon. Daisy can sit up pretty well now, with just a few falls here and there. She absolutely loves to watch Boyd and Lucy play and she thinks they are so funny. Boyd always calls her "baby girl" and Lucy calls her "baby Dais." Boydie is especially sweet to her and Lucy is finally catching on to really liking her sister. How can she resist the constant smiles and belly laughs? Daisy also started eating real food and loves everything we have given her so far.
She had some yummy Smokehouse mashed potatoes last night for dinner- I couldn't feed it fast enough and she almost ate the whole thing. Little piggy!