Thursday, June 30, 2011

Here's our week

It seems like not many people are keeping updates on blogs very well lately, me included. We've been doing stuff, but just not taking many pictures or having much to say about it.

Last week, we spent the day with cousins at my dad's. They live close to the splash park, so we hung out there in the afternoon.
These girls look so much alike, I think. They had so much fun hanging out together.
There were even a couple of boys for Boyd to play with. Both those boys are 2 years older than Boyd, but he did pretty well to keep up with them. Silly me forgot to take more pictures of the day, but Grandpa set up a bike race course for the kids, we had a BBQ, and then a campfire with s'mores. Some of them stayed over night in a tent, but we just went home then with our dirty, sweaty, worn-out kids.

Yesterday, we thought it was a good idea to go swimming. It was really great until the sudden storm hit just when we were about to go on the slide. It was crazy with thunder, lightning, wind and hard rain beating on us as we ran to the car . Oh well, it was an adventure and I do love summer rain once in a while.
I thought it was really nice and beautiful out last night (that's a view from our backyard on the temple lot in case you didn't know). The kids and I wanted to go on a walk, but it kept raining on and off, so they just got to splash a little outside before bed time.
I love Daisy's face here, she's so funny. I'm so proud of her because she is about 90% potty trained, and she will finally go in the big potty with her seat on top (it was getting pretty old to bring her baby potty in the car everywhere). She was my easiest trainee, thank goodness, and we don't have to buy diapers anymore! Hooray!

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