Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last week

Last week Ken and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary! Woohoo! Its definitely weird how the time goes- it went by so fast, but then I can't really remember what its like not being married either. We went to Disneyland on our honeymoon and we look like a couple of skinny little 12 year olds here! Just crazy, but I'm so glad we are together and have our awesome family! Love you, Ken!

We also celebrated Father's Day on Sunday by going up to visit my Dad for a BBQ, then heading over to the Martin's for second dinner. We didn't do a whole lot for Ken this year. Between Mother's Day, Ken's Birthday, Our anniversary, and Father's Day- those holidays sort of get smooshed together in a month. We still love him and appreciate all his hard work (I won't get too mushy on here :)

I have a funny story, too. When Ken and I were dating and engaged, we went to visit my dad several times and help work on his yard and make an arbor. He had a little Shih-tzu dog named Ewok (Wokkers) and my dad would talk kind of baby talk to her, but then also include us. Like, "Should we go outside now, Wokkers? Huh, should Ken dig a hole now, Wokkers?" We would try not to laugh and Ken wasn't really sure how to respond because pretty much all of our conversations were like that. As socially awkward as my dad is sometimes, he often surprises me when I need something or ask for advice, he comes up with just the right thing to say including scriptures, quotes and explanations right on the fly.

1 comment:

  1. hi cami,
    can we add your blog link to the rs blog? let me know! candihigs@gmail.com
