Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daisy's Game

Daisy is getting really funny. She talks a lot for her age, she surprises me everyday. Yesterday, when Ken was leaving for work, Daisy waived and said, "bye bye Dadda!" She's only 13 months old! She likes to play a hiding game with me and Lucy. She crawls behind the couch and waits for us to find her, then she says, "hey!" and crawls after us. Then she goes back behind the couch to wait for us again. Daisy just laughs hysterically with a big "ha ha haa!" She knows how funny she is.


  1. She loves to make people laugh and I love that about her. Silly buddy. I can't believe she's talking so much... STOP GROWING

  2. She's the cutest! I just love her.
