Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daiser!

Today is officially Daisy's one year old birthday! It is so amazing what happens in one year. Daisy is such a beautiful, sweet girl and we are just thrilled to have her around. Daisy weighs about 23 lbs, has 7 teeth, crawls like a champ, but not so interested in walking yet. She just learned to waive bye-bye, play peek-a-boo and Pat-a-cake. She loves to say Mom, Dada, uh-oh, wow, what, baba, jojo, and sometimes papa. Daisy loves attention and being in the middle of the action, she loves to entertain everyone with her fake sneezes, squeals and funny faces.


  1. now we just need to work on "jenna" :) say it, baby girl, say it!

  2. My children all walked very late (12-15 months) but all talked very early--like Daisy. I think it means she's a very smart cookie!
