Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Big Boy

Boyd just had his birthday yesterday. Since we had a party last week, he said we already did a birthday, so no telling this boy Happy Birthday or that he's now 5. It might take another year or so to convince him how old he is. We had a busy day yesterday, getting ready for Ken's trip and running errands. But, we still had a good time together. We got to eat at Boyd's favorite restaurant Chen's Noodle House- he calls it "yellow chicken and soup." He's about the pickiest eater ever, but he loves egg drop soup and lemon chicken and rice. It was a really gorgeous day outside, and we even made it to the park. There were a ton of ducks out on the pond with tiny baby ones (so cute!!!), Boyd and Lucy got to feed them some bread. About a million people throw bread in the pond, the ducks don't even care about coming over to us for food. That's a good thing because I'm scared of ducks if they start getting too close or worse start flapping or running at me, I sort of panic and scream running away.

Boyd is doing will in school. Most importantly, he's a happy kid most of the time and he loves going to school and comes home happy. We've noticed in the past month or so that he is responding and answering questions much more than ever. Just today in church one of the nursery teachers had a little conversation and she was just amazed that Boyd actually talked to her for the first time. She asked him about school and he said yes, its fun and said he goes in the car with mom to school.

Boyd also has his first school friend named Noah. He talks about him often and just can't wait to see him at school. They are so sweet, I about get all teary thinking about it, and Noah's mom is also just as thrilled the boys have connected so well. She said Noah always says "bless Boyd" in his prayers. How cute is that?

1 comment:

  1. Have you met Jake Walraven? I think you can talk to Amy about a picky eater...

    I love this tiny boy!
