Monday, October 19, 2009

Fun Day

Daisy's just a sweet, happy little girl. She loves sitting in the grass and watching the big kids play. She will just light up for the camera, too.

Boyd had his first field trip today with his school to Pumpkin Land. He was going to ride the bus with everyone at school and parents could meet there if we wanted. I was pretty nervous for him getting on a big bus. His teachers said he was a little nervous, but went on anyway, and then he loved it! I met them there on one of the trails around the pumpkin patch. They were so cute following on their circle rope in a line (genius invention, by the way). The kids got to see a bunch of animals and go on some obstacle course playgrounds. It was pretty fun, and Boyd was an angel.

We have been taking our kids to Pumpkin Land for several years now (Ken, me, Jenna and the kids), the last 2 years for Boyd being a disaster! He was so out of control naughty with complete breakdowns. We were just going crazy trying to take this kid anywhere fun. He's just done a complete 180 since last October, I'm just thrilled that Boyd has learned so well to manage his emotions. Today, he was only able to play on the last playground area for about 1 minute before getting on the bus. I did a little internal panic at the idea of getting this kid off the playground after such a short time, but he did exactly as he was told without any tiny fuss, got in line and waited patiently for the other kids. He said, "I want to ride the bus with friends!" I was so proud!

Boyd and Owen were playing on the horse swing together really nice. Boyd can really push the swing for Owen pretty high, he's such a strong kid. And, of course he's a sweetie too. He kept asking, "Ya ok, Owie? Hold on tight and be careful!" and said, "Look see, Owie's happy and Boydie's nice to push!"


  1. I'm so proud of Boydie. Every time I see him I have to stop myself from smothering him with kisses. He's the sweetest.

  2. Boyd is a completely different little boy than he was one year ago. I'm amazed at how often he makes eye contact and holds it, answers questions, expresses a variety of emotions, and makes conversation. He's a doll.

    Owie sometimes gets forgotten, since he's such a regular guy, but he's about the sweetest, nicest little guy himself.

    Karen and I are blessed with incredible grandchildren. Eleven of them with two on the way!!

    Life is good.

  3. Bob, Who's pregnant besides Joni?
