Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th!

Maybe one of these days I will get a blog on the actual day of an event, but not so easy on a weekend because I'd have to fight off Boyd and Ken for some computer time. :) Not worth it!

Anyway... We had a crazy weekend that went by too fast as usual. My vacuum exploded the other day with some mean sparks and sounds and then died. Sad! But then we got a new one that picked up so much junk in one use to make me gag a little. I guess that means it works well, but ew to how much yucky stuff was on my carpet. Hooray for clean carpet now!

We went to the mall to get Boyd some new shoes. He was having one of his "that boy aint right" days. We got some snooty looks from people at the mall for our disturbances. What? Don't all parents have to sit on their screaming 4 year old in the shoe store to get his shoes on? Lucy wanted some attention and new shoes too, of course. So we ended up spending too much money on kid shoes because we didn't have time to think. We just had to grab the light up ones that Boyd didn't throw, and the the name brand pink ones for Lucy because they were the closest on the shelf, and then scram out of there. The baby was good though.

We also drove out to Spring City to see Grandma and Grandpa Hansen for a nice visit. We got some homemade blackberry icecream (which was awesome!). So good to make us late for the fireworks show at the Martins'. Poor Boydie was soooo scared of all of it for some reason. He was worried about the baby getting hurt, even though she was asleep inside. We ended up just hugging on the couch for most of it. He was really shaking out of fear and truly sad! That kid just breaks my heart sometimes.

Church is always an ordeal for us. The kids will go to nursery class only with me or Ken. Boyd is finally liking the nursery, even though he's a giant in there. Lucy was crying every 2 seconds the whole time. But thanks to Papa and Grama, they took her over their house after church. Lucy was good there I guess because she can pretend that she's an only child. Poor middle child!


  1. It's amazing how good Lucy is when she stays with us on Sunday afternoons. She doesn't demand individual attention. She will play for long periods of time, by herself, while Karen and I fix dinner, but she also does enjoy the time we spend just with her.

    I think she just enjoys not having a pesky brother and a baby sister around all the time.

    We love her (and her pesky brother and baby sister).

  2. Goodness Gracious but Cami and Ken do have their hands full :) Hang in there!

    It gives me flashbacks whenever I read your blog. It passes way too quickly!!!!! One day you'll look back and wish those crazy days were back.

    Playing amateur shrink here....I think when Boyd is really scared he transfers it by saying he's afraid for the baby getting hurt. I think he's afraid he'll get hurt (and maybe the baby, too). Also, kids with "A" can't tolerate bright flashing lights and loud sounds. Fireworks could be terrifying to him.

    And Lucy is a kick in the pants:) I think Boyd and Daisy get so much attention because they require it that by darn she'll get hers one way or another. When at grandparents she can relax. No competition for mom and dad's attention.

    Aren't kids just WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!

    No wonder it takes a minimum of 18 years to get the little suckers raised. They're WORK :) And the greatest JOY!!!
