Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Funny Lu

This is Lucy's new Christmas dress. I've got the same one for Daisy, she looks adorable, but didn't get a picture of her in it yet. I'm hoping we can get a family picture with all of us one of these days.
This is Daisy supposed to be napping. She was being so funny talking and laughing to herself in the crib, she got away with getting back up to play this afternoon.
Lucy drew our family portrait here. Lucy is at the top left (with a happy face and pretty pony hair), then Boyd with a sad face, small Daisy, Mommy at the bottom left, and Daddy with mad eyebrows. At the time she was drawing it, Boyd and Daisy were crying and Dad had just gone to work (I think that's the reason for the mad eyebrows). She started singing "Happy Family," but sang "Boyd is a sad family"! She's a crack up, but make sure to not laugh at her unless she wants you to.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes. That picture is hilarious. Good job, silly loo!
